New Adventures: Creating an E-Course...

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For the past few months, I have been working hard in the background on a big new project: An online grief workshop, called Meaningful Making. In this course I plan to share some of the ways I have used creativity to better express, explore, and ultimately heal during times of grief. 

It's been almost 4 years now since the day my world was turned upside down - when I got the call that my fiance had been in an accident he "didn't make it". In that time, I've seen therapists, gone to psychics, read countless books on grief and art therapy, and explored all number of art mediums including painting, photography, writing, ceramics, jewelry making, encaustic (wax painting), collage and mixed media, nature art and more. And while my journey through grief is not complete, because no one's ever is, I am now in a place of peace and power with my "chapter two". I miss my old life, but I love my new life, and I have a balance with the two. That's the place I decided I needed to be in before trying to help facilitate others along this journey.

Though I've never created an e-course before, and have really no experience in teaching, I feel in my bones that I'm being pulled in this direction. I am trying to trust that whatever I need in order to create this experience is already inside me, just waiting to be birthed. And so, with blind faith, I am stepping out into it. 

It's a funny thing, when you decide to show up for something... how all number of things start to move in your favor. This week, my Indiegogo fundraiser for the workshop ended. I created it not only to raise funds for the materials, programs and some training I will need, but also as a formal way of telling the world - hey, I am doing this. Accountability works wonders. My goal was just $500, which I met in only FOUR days time. After the 2 months of the campaign, it closed out Tuesday with $1700... over three times my original goal! I already have nearly a dozen people who are signed up via their donation. I mean, this thing is happening! It's quite exciting and pretty scary all at the same time - but I like that. 

I hope you'll join me on this new adventure. If you'd like to receive updates on the workshop, leave your email address for me below (which will ONLY give you updates on the course itself. I promise not to spam you with other stuff!). Lastly, please share this with anyone you know that could use a safe space to make some meaning from their own story with grief. Thanks friends!


Creative Process: Preventing Burnout


A Milestone and the Lesson "Don't Give Up"